01 January, 2011

If you are so inclined...

Three or four years ago, as most of you know, I stopped making New Year's resolutions in favour of expressing New Year's inclinations, on the grounds that resolutions are depressing when you inevitably fail to keep them. I think the reason that I have so much more success with New Year's inclinations is that they generally tend to reflect more accurately the things I would like to accomplish in the up-coming year, rather than the things I think I should want to accomplish.

The consistent exception to this rule is 'learn to drive', which I'm pretty sure has appeared on every list of New Year's resolutions or inclinations I have ever made. This year I am admitting publicly what should be obvious to all - I am neither resolved nor inclined to learn to drive. I know I should do it - I should want to do it and I should do it even though I don't want to - but the sad truth is this: there is very little likelihood that I will learn to drive in 2011 and I'm OK with that.

Over the last few days, I've been taking some notes for this year's inclinations on my Blackberry's MemoPad. (NB: I have a Blackberry!!!) Reviewing these notes, it occurred to me that this year's list was set to become a depressingly bloated version of last year's. Which was:

- get my driver's license
- maintain a respectable balance on my savings account (current balance = 8.21$)
- acquire healthy eating habits
- exercise periodically
- engage in charitable activities of some kind
- take better care of my cat

It should be noted that, apart from giving slightly more than I could afford to the Red Cross for earthquake relief, I didn't make even the smallest of dents in any one of these.

Anyone who knows me knows that 2010 was a pretty big year for re-direction. All of my stupid life choices blew up in my face in a spectacular way and then suddenly, when the dust settled, everything was totally fine. It was all very disorienting and weird. The lesson I learned from all of this, though, is that the benevolent forces of the universe do a much better job of controlling the direction of my life than I do. I think an exhaustive list of resolutions masquerading as inclinations is probably not in keeping with with this realisation.

As such, in 2011 I am inclined to concentrate on getting enough sleep and let everything else take care of itself.

1 comment:

  1. Karen, you are my hero. Truly...Sorry to hear about life choices blowing up. Happy to hear about everything being totally fine. Bonne année! Please keep blogging. You are so good at it!
