31 January, 2019

Hi, Rebecca!

Your 'Back to the Blog' post was very well timed.  I've been doing a lot of thinking lately about writing and the fact that I do it neither often nor well these days and how I feel about that.  I'll spare you, but suffice to say that this poor, sad, abandoned blog has been somewhat on my mind.

Back in the days of LiveJournal, fresh out of undergrad, having a blog was a great way to keep in touch with all the people I was barely ever going to see anymore.  More importantly, though, it was a reason to arrange my thoughts into an intelligible structure and put them down in black and white, something that I had no formal reason to do after school was all done and gone.  It was a great way to share a problem or an experience or a clever turn of phrase and feel heard, just by a select few people that I actually cared about. 

Blogs fell away in large part, I think, because Facebook made it possible to do exactly the same thing with a metric shit-tonne less effort.  Back when 50 Facebook friends was considered a lot, it fulfilled much the same function - letting you keep in touch with people, get to know people, grandstand just a little.   There are probably a lot of reasons why Someday Sparrow never really got off the ground, but partly it was just a different time.  The internet had moved on and having a blog in the 2001 sense of the word - no theme, not monetised, intended audience in the double (or even single) digits - just didn't make sense anymore.

Now that Facebook, and social media in general, has become a lot less about community and connexion and a lot more about pointless shouting into the void, it feels like a good time for blogs as we knew them - friend blogs that are just because - to make a resurgence. 

Will it be less than six years before the next post here at Someday Sparrow?  Only time will tell. 

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